
Liger Pride Yearfourbook (2015-2016)
In my exploration we have a mission to create our first yearbook in Liger (2015-2016). Yearbook is about the year we are doing in school. We have six members in this exploration and each member have different role. The role are writer, editor, photographer, organizer and lay out master. We have been working on the cover of the book and write the description about different subject that Liger students have been working or study about. We want to make this book because we want our Liger students to remember each other when they are getting older and remember their relationship that they have made with each other.
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Hidden Voice

The Hidden Voices group is trying to protect old endangered songs for the new generation to discover. Before we went on the trip (to Kompong Speu and Mondulkiri) we learned how to use many technology for recording and editing. When we interviewed many people and recorded them. After the trip, we gathered all the clips we had recorded and took pictures for (our) blog. We really wanted to have clear information about the old singers and writers, so we took another trip to the Ministry of Information to interview Mr. Mao Ah Yut(deputy director).The reason we interview him because he use to know a lot of the old singer and the songwriter. The coolest thing about it was we made a podcast. So we edited all the video clips and mixed it’s for the radio to save it. We are Cambodian so we all care about our culture and our songs. Please record your grandma and grandpa’s singing to save and share with your friends and the world. Keep our music alive!







When we are having trip
When we are having trip


What is STEM?
The full words of STEM is Science Technology Engineer and Math. We had learned many things from this class such as energy and we had built some prototype of roller coaster and projectiles. IMG_20150917_092627


We study this class during our essential and expertise classes. In expertise class we want to make a science book to teach the students in Cambodia (usually kids). The students from other school bring up the ideas what science that they want to learn more and us trying to create the book about science for the kid to read.



In math we also use internet to practice more also to know more skills and more resources for us. Usually we use Khan Academy. Now we were in high school, we not learn how to plus, minus, divide and times anymore, but we use it. Now we learn percentage, algebra, rate and speed, average speed, word problems, etc. We learn and we had test because teacher want to know we understand the lesson or not.

Khmer Literacy

What is Khmer literacy?
Khmer literacy is the subject that we study about lessening, writing, speaking and reading. We learn this subject as our essential class to make sure that we not forget our first language. In this class we were learning about Cambodian culture, farming, interviewing skills and sometimes we were listening to the radio and fill the missing words on the lesson paper. Also we have study how to make a conversation through phone call and introducing the news that we have from make up news.IMG_5930


My Unusual School

Name: Chhoeu
Group: D
Date: 9/10/15
Class: English Writing

I go to an unusual school. It is The Liger Learning Center. There are 50 students and the ratio of the boys to the girls is 1:1. They have 11 teachers, six foreign and five Cambodian. The school has six core values, They are Appreciation, Determination, Ingenuity, Integrity, Optimism and Stewardship. Liger wants the students to be entrepreneurial thinkers. One thing we focus on is Exploration. However, many of our subjects will help to change our country in the future. Everyone trying their best to learn, to keep, to work, to share, to change and to develop. I think Liger is the best school in Cambodia because it has good curriculum. That why the ministry tell that we don’t need to the the test when we are grade 9 and 12. So we print two books about economic and animal. Both books will give to the government school all around Cambodia. That why we work in team to make the move to the future.



Agricultural Sector in Cambodia
• 9 February – 1 April 2014

Phearun Khom

Project Summary
Will the Earth have enough agricultural resources to provide food for an ever-expanding human population?

This exploration will strongly focus on rice sector and other involved components of agricultural sector in Cambodia. In this exploration, students will be let conduct a research engaging with the process of producing the rice and animals husbandry. We will find out how this sector impact the people’s income and Cambodian economy. We will also look at the yields formation in depth offered by conventional and modern farming and different farming techniques. Students will be equipped the present issues having influence over the development of agriculture in order to seek the solutions to remedy those. Not only studying the contents in class, but students will also have field trips to visit NGOs working on it and farmers. Last but not least, we will create a satisfactory documentary about agriculture in Cambodia to share with the world to get to know about it.

Project Outcome
After seven weeks over the course, students will be able to demonstrate the understandings of agricultural sector in Cambodia and how crucial it is to contribute to developing farmers’ and national economy growth. They will search and acquire more new ideas to enhance agriculture and get farmers good recommendation for improvement. Additionally, they will practice other skills such as experience outside campus site, documenting, photography, communication skill, presentation and research and development skill.

Project Mentors
– Ministry of Agriculture
– Srer Khmer NGOs
– Farmers

Field Experiences
Taking place outside of Liger

21st Century Learning Skills
from Seven Survival Skills – Tony Wagner – The Global Achievement Gap 2008, 2010
Problem-solving and critical thinking;
Collaboration across networks and leading by influence;
Agility and adaptability;
Effective written and oral communication;
Accessing and analyzing information; and
Curiosity and imagination.

Core Curriculum Areas
Science: material world (eg chemistry)

How does this project address the following 3 areas? (Need clarification from Jeff)
Information Technology
Students will practice blogging skill and communicate via Skype
video/ photography
Blog (support from Max and Bunny)
Making a change in Cambodia
Students will be able to acquire practical ideas to improve agricultural sector in Cambodia
Global Connections
Students will share with the Cambodian people as well as the world what they have found out about the process of agriculture through their blog and documentary.
Students will have to communicate with agriculture experts from local and international partners.

Additional Resources

David P

Essential Questions
What are the current issues of agricultural sector development in Cambodia?
What role does agriculture play in basic human nutrition?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of fertilizer and pesticide use?
What techniques do most Cambodian farmers follow in rice farming?
How much does agriculture impact Cambodia and her people?
How can farmers change their agricultural practices for more sustainable food production and economic outcomes?

Documentation, interview, field trip to …

Week 1
Feb 9 – 13
Students’ goal of the project
Introduction to the project
Talk about agriculture in Cambodia
Introduction to the components of agriculture
Importance of agriculture

Research relevant works done by NGOs, companies to identify problems/ solution (one group).
Questionnaires to relevant stakeholder–interviewed by phones to the relevant stakeholders.
Notes: .

Week 2
Feb 16 – 20
Field trip to ministry of agriculture to interview about agricultural sector in Cambodia ( Reflection on study trip on bus)
Analyze and Identify the issues affect the agricultural development ( from data collection)

Find out the existing solutions to the problems
The use of fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural sector
Reflection what getting from the trip

Notes: lkjadsil

Week 3
Mar 2 – 6
Field trip to target organization that works on the agriculture
Make documentary

Export of agricultural resources and products
Talking about animal husbandry

Demonstration of both rice sector and animal farming

Identifying the cost and benefits

Notes: lkjadsil.

Week 4
Mar 9-13
Group students for documentary produce (Editing/Collect data..)
Field trip to record farmers’
activities of producing rice
Start to document
Discuss about result gaining from the
the trip and start to research about agricultural practices
Notes: lkjadsil

Week 5
Mar 16-20
Still in the progress of making documentary
How much impact made by agriculture sector to the economic development..
Find out the solutions to remedy the current issues ..
Share the recommendation for
improving the agriculture
Notes: lkjadsil

Week 6
Mar 23-27
keep the process of documentary establishment
Write the blog

Week 7
March 30-
Writing blog and reflection

Notes: Including Sharing the project


DSC_0830What is Khmer literacy?
What is Khmer literacy?
Khmer literacy is the subject that we study about listening, writing, speaking and reading skills in the Khmer language. We learn this subject as our essential class to make sure that we don’t forget our first language. In this class we also learn about Cambodian culture.



I had take a class about economic and we learn and about demand, supply and others topic. So what we are doing now is to create the situation that show any of the law of demand or law of supply.
So this is my graph

 I love FIFA
I love FIFA


  Entrepreneur Exploration 

When we went to Expo at Koh Pich
When we went to Expo at Koh Pich

1 What was the main thing you learning during Entrepreneurship?

This is my products that I have design
This is my products that I have design
  • During entrepreneurship I learned about 3D printing
  • How to invent new idea that helps peoples
  • I learned how to used 123D Design program to make my products
  • How 3D machine work
  • I learned before making our company what we need to do?
  • How to works in the team
  • How to lead the group and find the solution when we are disagree something

Write the six terms you think are most important? Why do you think they are most important?

  • Target Audience: The reason that I choose Target Audience because when we want to do something we have to talked to the specific peoples.
  • Failing fast: The reason that I choose Failing fast because when we try to make something then it fail but we still doing it. We learned from its and make it better than before.
  •  Profit / Loss: The reason that I choose Profit / Loss because when do business we try to make moneys. It good to know because we know that how much we can sale that we not loss the money.
  • Resilience : The reason that I choose Resilience because the business is hard to make but we still doing it.
  • Market : The reason that I choose Market because when we make our own company we need to find out the market what they need and we we sale our products.
  • Prototype: The reason that I choose Prototype because before we make something we need to have the plan and know the side of the product.

If you could do entrepreneurship exploration again, What would you do different? What product? What term? How to sale?

  • I will check out the market what peoples need
  • Find the place to sale that have a lot of costumer

New products

  • Phone case
  • Cambodia map
  • Study shelf(put pencil, pen, book etc)

I will sale

  • Make the place that put our products
  • Find the market
  • Put the sign of our products that we have
  • I will make the website to sale my products
  • Post the video of my products

Visited my site


Please check the video here: