
Exploration 2: Documentary

In the documentary exploration I learned how to use a camera, how to make a video and how to make a storyboard. It was fun to learn how to make a video and share to other people.

Picture before we went on the trip.
Picture before we went on the trip.

In our exploration we had one trip to Siem Reap which is the capital of the Khmer Empire. They have many temples that had been built by the kings in the past. When we were riding on the bus to Siem Reap with a group, we saw many rice fields, birds, rivers, lakes and trees while some of the students slept. We went to Siem Reap and learned about the culture and how the people live at there.


When we arrived there, the orange sun set and it got darker. We were so tired and I was getting a shower while the other students watched TV.

We are in front of Angkor Wat
We are in front of Angkor Wat


The bright sun shone in the morning. We all prepared the clothes to ride the boat to the flooded village. I was walking with anxious legs to the boat. The machine boat was turned on and the boat started to move.

We get on the boat.
We get on the boat


On the boat we sang a song and took many good pictures. We saw many foreigners, birds flying in front of white clouds under the blue sky covered by sunlight. We spent 2-3 hours on the boat until we arrived there.

When we arrived, it was time to eat lunch. The food was on the table of a restaurant at the flooded village. It was yummy and everyone ate a lot. We had an interview with a beautiful community chief with a good question.

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When we are at the Tonley Sab river.

After we interviewed the community chief, we rode the boat back to the hotel. When we arrived at the hotel it was dark, no sunlight. Just then, the light was turning on with many colors on the road.

We walked to the restaurant near the hotel. We had a yummy noodle that the pretty lady made for us.

We are in front of Angkor Wat
We are in front of Angkor Wat

The orange sun was rising from the east while we were in front of the Angkor Wat temple. The sound of a lady blew in a speaker. it said, “Today we have a bike race!” We rode the bike too. The distance we had to race was 17 kilometers. The gun was shot to the sky, so the racers started to ride the bikes.

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It was fun and I took a lot of pictures on the way.

After racing we came back to our hotel, then went to eat a pizza and some drinks like mango shakes.

We drove back to Liger in the afternoon. The sunset changed to moonlight over the sky. When we arrived at Liger we all immediately went to bed.


Name of Course: Robotics 2

Learning Facilitator: Max

Number of Students: 12 students

Days we Meet: January 19 to March 27

Course Description: In this Advanced Enrichment we learned lots of programming the robot. To program our teacher told us to do what challenge that we can work on. There were five challenges that Max told us to work. The first three challenges Max wanted us to make our robots move in the square using three different sensors. Next he told us to have a competition to see which robot is the fastest and what strategies that they use. After we knew the result he made the last challenge for us. That challenge was called Dragon Challenge. If we did right all we will get 90 points but it is so hard. In that challenge there were fire, dragon, people that helped one person stuck in the dragon place. We had to knock down the dragons and fires but don’t knock down the people who were helping. If we knocked the people that help we will lose our points.


Name of Course: Botany 1

Learning Facilitator: Jojo

Number of Students: 12

Advanced Enrichment Dates: August 12-Oct 17

Days We Meet: Monday and Tuesday

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Course Description:  In Botany class we learned about the plants. Every day when we studied in the class we had the time to experiment the plants. First we took the seed to put it in the containers and we put the water for the seed. So that means everyday we needed to come and check the seed that we have grown and we need to take notes about our seed that we grew so we can know how much that the seed has grown in each day. Then we learned about photosynthesis. It means the plants get the sunlight from the sun to make photosynthesis and the plant makes photosynthesis by the leaf. The plants will make their own food. In each day we had the competition with each other about our plants that we have grown and which plants that grow the tallest is the winner. After that we have learned about how he plant get germinate. Germinate mean the plants is start to grow. How the plants germinate is first it start from the seed then the seed get bigger and then it broke their skin then the seed it broke in a half then the roots come out when their roots grow bigger their stem start to grow too then it have the leaves so we need to put the soil for the plants grow and that is how the plants germinate.

Algebra A

Name of Course: Algebra A

Learning Facilitator: Jeff Boucher

Number of Students: 14

Dates: August 12 – January 16

Days we Meet: Monday – Tuesday

I Learn Algebra In Green Room.

Course Description: In our Advanced Enrichment we learned about Math. This Advanced Enrichment lasted really long and the students had a really hard time working on that. We learned the hard math by learning it step by step. There are many clever students in this class and all of them are very patient. Every day in our class the math got harder and harder but we got smarter as the time kept going. Sometimes we realized that the math that we had learned could be used in real life. The important things that we learned for the whole year were negative numbers, the Greatest Common Factors, linear equations, y=mx+b form or Slope-interception, parabolas, Quadratic formula/equation, etc. All of these math sections were very hard. It is something that people will think that it is hard because they did not try yet and for those people who try they will think it is easy. But for us here we do not think it was hard or easy we were just trying our best.


Art History

Advanced Enrichment Name: Art History

Learning Facilitator: Jo

Number of Students: 8

Date: March 30 – June 12

Days We Meet: Thursday and Friday

This Is Liger That I learned Art History And Other Subject.
This Is Liger That I learned Art History And Other Subject.

Course Description: Our group learned about Art History. The first time we learned about the Art of Greek. We found the information from the videos of their history and looked how to paint. We tried to find the interesting things from the Greek art and then we chose to paint the Greek urn.

First we didn’t take the pot to paint but we used the papers to make the pot shapes. We took our computer and found the styles of the Greek urn and drew some of their style in the paper. When we did it finish we tried to draw the pot on the papers. When we finished we cut it out and we painted colour orange. If we wanted to have the picture that we want to draw to colour orange we painted the background black. If we wanted the picture black we painted our background to the orange colour.

This is my pot that I make and design by my self
This is my pot that I make and design by my self

When we chose finish and we waited for them to dry. Then we drew the style of the Greek. When we finished we drew the things that told us about our life. Then we painted the colour on it and waited for them to dry again. Then we had the paper Greek urns. Also our groups learned how to paint. We found information about Monet and Leonardo Da Vinci. We watched the video of the Rome and about Leonardo Da Vinci life. We had the book that told us about the types of art of Rome and Leonardo Da Vinci. When we watched finish we started to choose the art and started to paint like that picture. We chose Monet art. First we took the colour to paint on the paper for try. We went near the pond. Then we painted the water and water lilies. We started to paint on the canvas. We divided into three groups to paint. When we finished we went to paint at the wall. We painted the black on it and then we drew the Khmer history. Then we painted white on the line and that is our Art History group work.


Community English Description

Exploration Name: Community English

Exploration Dates: August 12th-September 16th

Number of Students: 12

Essential Questions: Is there a best way to teach and learn?

How does knowing English effect change?

Description: Our first opening Exploration was Community English. In Community English we learned how to prepare and teach lessons to other people. But before we taught we needed to find the people who want to learn with us. To find the students we went into the community. After we knew clearly who wanted to come and learn at Liger, we gave the permission to their parents. So all of their parents can trust us. Then they let their child come and learn at Liger.

After we knew exactly who would come to learn, we prepared the lesson for them. When we went to the community to find them we also asked them what do they want to learn and that’s how we can prepare the lesson. When we finished planning the lesson we practiced before teaching students. We practiced with each other in our class. Even if we practiced with each other it does not mean that we are expert or good at it. So we had a trip to two schools. The schools are Northbridge and ICAN. At ICAN we met with one woman named Kate. Kate and Jessica prepared the schedule for us and some ICAN students to tour us around. We went there because we wanted to get experiences from the teachers at their school. Two to three days after that we went to Northbridge. At the end of the Exploration we asked some of the students how they felt and what did they think about our teaching (if its good or not). We gave them the lessons for free.


Newspaper Description

Exploration Name: Newspapers

Exploration Dates: October 7 to November 19

Number of students: 12

Essential Questions:


(1) Why do we have newspapers?

(2) Historically, what have newspapers sought to do?

(3) How is the purpose enhanced or diminished by external factors (freedom of speech, infrastructure)?

(4) What do reporters do and what are their ethical responsibilities?

(5) What is the process of creating a newspaper from start to finish? What role does technology play?


In our newspaper class we had a lot of hard things to do but there were fun things to do too. The first thing we did was get introduced to some of the old and famous newspapers. Later on we got the name of one of the newspapers and did the research in pairs or groups. On Friday afternoon we had assembly so we did our presentation one by one. Everyday we learned new things about newspapers and it was very exciting. The most hard and exciting part was we made our own newspaper about our school. Also we went on a late night trip to the Phnom Penh Post printing press at 10:00pm. It was so late we got to sleep in the teacher apartment. The name of our newspaper is Liger Post. We sold it at NISC, ICan, coffee shops and restaurants. At the end we made about $280. We gave some to the Documentary group to do the bike race and some to the orphanage at Siem Reap. Each student on the team also got some money, about $8 each.


Here is the link of our book:

VaPAC Description

Exploration Name: VaPAC

Exploration Dates: Jan 20 to Mar 7

Number of students: 12 students
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My group name is VaPAC. It stands for Visual and Performing Arts Cambodia. Our group areas are trip, sign language and mask-making. First I want to talk about the trip. Our group trip was going to Kampot Province. We went there to learn about the Cambodian arts and the disabled people. When we went there we knew that the disabled people can communicate by using sign language. Sign language is so important for the disabled people. We also learned some sign language too. The disabled people can do arts too. They do it by using movement. The next area is mask-making. Our group made the own mask. The mask is made by the paper. It took a lot of time to make one mask. When we finished doing the mask-making we designed what it will look like. The design can be used for performing. It also can be used for sale and hang it on the wall. Our goal was to make the story and do it by using the movement. When we do the movement we can’t say anything.
click the link open in new tap.