Exploration 1: Community English

The first ever Exploration at the first year in Liger was Community English. This was my first time that I had learned how to teach the students and how to be a good teacher. When we learned how to teach the students, we did not just stay in the classroom and learn then teach, we also visited the international schools in Phnom Penh: iCan and Northbridge. Teacher also invited the teachers from another school to teach us how to teach the students. When we knew how to teach a lot we all discussed with each other and chose the topic to teach the students. Before we taught the community students we practiced with Liger staff.

The bright orange sun shone in the morning. The director of Liger school was wearing his blue Liger shirt and talking to the Liger students and adults. I thought in my mind: “today is teaching day!” I was excited and I felt like I was flying. The time just went on and on, the community students were walking straight to the upper deck. After teaching the students  I was so happy and very proud for myself that I could do this.


My challenges were to get the student’s attention, make the games for the students and make them comfortable.

I was telling the animal words to the students to remember, while other groups were playing their games. Just then, the sound of the kids laughing in the green room blew outside of the class. The teacher was coming to see what happened. I told her “I was playing the games with the students.” The teacher breathed “Okay, I got it.”. The teacher asked, “What game are you playing?” Then I told her: “I was playing a jumping game, do you want to play teacher?” She said, “Ok, I will try.” Just then the sound of the teacher laughing made everyone in the green room fun.

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Community English Description

Exploration Name: Community English

Exploration Dates: August 12th-September 16th

Number of Students: 12

Essential Questions: Is there a best way to teach and learn?

How does knowing English effect change?

Description: Our first opening Exploration was Community English. In Community English we learned how to prepare and teach lessons to other people. But before we taught we needed to find the people who want to learn with us. To find the students we went into the community. After we knew clearly who wanted to come and learn at Liger, we gave the permission to their parents. So all of their parents can trust us. Then they let their child come and learn at Liger.

After we knew exactly who would come to learn, we prepared the lesson for them. When we went to the community to find them we also asked them what do they want to learn and that’s how we can prepare the lesson. When we finished planning the lesson we practiced before teaching students. We practiced with each other in our class. Even if we practiced with each other it does not mean that we are expert or good at it. So we had a trip to two schools. The schools are Northbridge and ICAN. At ICAN we met with one woman named Kate. Kate and Jessica prepared the schedule for us and some ICAN students to tour us around. We went there because we wanted to get experiences from the teachers at their school. Two to three days after that we went to Northbridge. At the end of the Exploration we asked some of the students how they felt and what did they think about our teaching (if its good or not). We gave them the lessons for free.