Art History

Advanced Enrichment Name: Art History

Learning Facilitator: Jo

Number of Students: 8

Date: March 30 – June 12

Days We Meet: Thursday and Friday

This Is Liger That I learned Art History And Other Subject.
This Is Liger That I learned Art History And Other Subject.

Course Description: Our group learned about Art History. The first time we learned about the Art of Greek. We found the information from the videos of their history and looked how to paint. We tried to find the interesting things from the Greek art and then we chose to paint the Greek urn.

First we didn’t take the pot to paint but we used the papers to make the pot shapes. We took our computer and found the styles of the Greek urn and drew some of their style in the paper. When we did it finish we tried to draw the pot on the papers. When we finished we cut it out and we painted colour orange. If we wanted to have the picture that we want to draw to colour orange we painted the background black. If we wanted the picture black we painted our background to the orange colour.

This is my pot that I make and design by my self
This is my pot that I make and design by my self

When we chose finish and we waited for them to dry. Then we drew the style of the Greek. When we finished we drew the things that told us about our life. Then we painted the colour on it and waited for them to dry again. Then we had the paper Greek urns. Also our groups learned how to paint. We found information about Monet and Leonardo Da Vinci. We watched the video of the Rome and about Leonardo Da Vinci life. We had the book that told us about the types of art of Rome and Leonardo Da Vinci. When we watched finish we started to choose the art and started to paint like that picture. We chose Monet art. First we took the colour to paint on the paper for try. We went near the pond. Then we painted the water and water lilies. We started to paint on the canvas. We divided into three groups to paint. When we finished we went to paint at the wall. We painted the black on it and then we drew the Khmer history. Then we painted white on the line and that is our Art History group work.


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